What you can do: Read the Blogs
Story Musing is a blog from our Adult Services Director for short reviews on anything from books to movies to music. Check it out weekly for new ideas for what to read, watch or listen to.
Tech Talk at SSCL is a new blog from our Tech Guru and Acquisitions Specialist Linda Reimer. For technology news, links to tech news stories, discussion and tech tips and tricks check the blog regularly. Readers are also encouraged to leave comments and engage in tech discussions because aren't we all just a little bit geeky in our hearts! So let your geek flag fly with Tech Talk at SSCL.
Check out this blog for book reviews and book trailers for great Young Adult reads. Sue McConnell is the Children's Services Coordinator for our Children's Department.

Check out what the teens and tweens are up to in the First Friday Art Club blog.
See what the teens are up to at the library on Teen Tech Fridays. See what they've made and what's coming up.
Find out what the teen are up to in the library's Teen Cooking Club, one of our most popular ongoing programs.
Oh, the Places You'll Go - at the SSCL A paper.li newspaper for the SSCL, fun stories and news about us.
The teen blog for the Southeast Stueben County Library. Keep up with what the teens are doing at SSCL.
Check out our instructional videos and other publications here. |