Date(s) - 03/10/2022
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Southeast Steuben County Library
Join Just Say Yes! nutrition educator Caitlin Price from the Food Bank of the Southern Tier for a virtual cooking demo, and to discuss ways to incorporate more fruits and vegetables in your diet. Caitlin will be making Rancher’s Beans, a tasty, affordable, and high protein dish from the Just Say Yes website.
Sign up below to receive a free recipe kit to make your own Rancher’s Beans; supplies are limited to 10 kits, and you must sign up before 10:00AM on Monday, March 7.
If you don’t get a kit, you can find the ingredient list and recipe here.
You are welcome to cook along during the session, or just relax and watch the session and make the recipe on your own time.
Here is the Zoom link.
Meeting ID: 879 7037 3629
Passcode: 537079