Fine Free and Simplified Checkout Periods

Get the Details about the Library’s Fine Free and Checkout Policies HERE.

At the July 15, 2021 public meeting of the Southeast Steuben County Library Board of Trustees, the Trustees voted to end fines for overdue items, and to simplify checkout periods for most Library items. The Trustees and Library had ended fines for Children and Teen items in January of 2019, and that initiative proved to be very helpful for busy parents and school kids.

“We want to remove barriers to people using the Library,” said Library Director Pauline Emery. “Some people are embarrassed about items being late, and hesitant to return items, thinking they will be judged. And for some struggling families, fines can literally be a financial burden. We have now removed those obstacles for our patrons.”
The Friends of the Library, a volunteer group that raises funds for Library programs through the two books sales it holds each year, has pledged to cover any lost income from charging fines.

The second major policy approved at the meeting is a simplified checkout schedule for collection materials. For example, books used to be available for four weeks, while DVDs were only available for one week. Now all collection items can be checked out for four weeks, except new items which are two weeks. Museum passes are now available for a week, instead of two days. Patrons can check out up to 50 items on their card at a time.
The complete list of items and checkout periods are available on our website.

Describing the motives behind both actions, Director Emery explained, “The Library is constantly striving to improve services, resources and opportunities for all of our patrons.”